Dolls house storage

I have a grand plan to design a dolls house that instead of a mini family inside has lots of little draws and pin cushions and  storage for some of the craft stuff currently accumulating in my room. It going to take me a while but bit by bit I'm going to up date this page with progress reports and pictures and hopefully the finished product will be wonderful.

The design 
I started off with an idea from other blog UK lass in US, fabric doll house tutorial.... ( but I know this sizing is going to be way to small so I set about making paper houses. (One evening when my parents were away I took over the living room and covered it in bits of paper) 

With the sizing all done the final template looks something like this.....

With all my sizing done I'm going to get a bit ahead of myself and start on decorations for doors and windows (doing the fun bits first), so pictures will be going up soooooooooooon.

:) xx

Some of the decorations WINDOWS

There not completely finished but the outline is they still need window boxes.
The door is going to be pale blue with a white frame (unfinished)

I wont get a chance to do much more for a few weeks but I'm really looking forward to starting the frame.
:) xx